Israel’s Annexation Plan

President Mahmoud Abbas declared on 23rd of June, that the Palestinian government is terminating all security agreements with Israel and the United States. The declaration came in response to a proposed Israeli plan to annex around 30% of the occupied West Bank in July.

As per the plan, Israel would keep nearly all of its West Bank settlements, impose sovereignty over the Jordan Valley located along the West Bank’s eastern border, and retain an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, while Palestinians would receive demilitarized self-governance within a reduced West Bank territory and the Gaza Strip. The plan was received favourably by Israeli leaders, whereas Palestinian leaders condemned it; the plan also received mixed reactions from the international community.

The Palestinians are defiant. To them, the move means the loss of vital land for a future state and death blow to the right of self-determination. Additionally, the plan leaves the Palestinians in despair as it, if implemented, could also jeopardize the food and water security by cutting off the Palestinians from the Jordan River.

The annexation plan comes in accordance with US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century”, which the Palestinian Authority strongly opposed since it’s revelation to international community earlier this year.

This is not the first time Israel has blatantly violated the International Law. In 1980, Israel officially annexed East Jerusalem. In 1981, it also unilaterally incorporated Syrian Golan Heights within its territory, not to mention its territorial acquisition in 1948 and 1967 along with its settlement program. Of course, any annexation and territorial conquest is deemed illegal by international law but that has never stopped Israel from expanding its settler colonial project.

The international community except Israel and US, agrees that it is a breach of International Law. UNSC has called on Israel to abandon this annexation plan because Israel’s unilateral action is in violation with Fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits “any occupying power from transferring its population to the area it occupies.”

There is little doubt that the situation facing Palestine calls for extraordinary measures. It is crucial for all stakeholders to take action against Israel’s expansionist designs. The international community must repudiate the said plan and all other annexation measures. The plan, if put into action, would carry ominous implications to the peace and stability of the whole Middle East.

Amidst these developments, people are seen roaming the streets of Palestine and chanting slogans like “After night, daylight comes!”

Kaleem Ahsan Sulehria
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