COVID-19, State of Pakistan and Pakistanis

The spectre of Covid -19 is wreaking havoc across the world. Mankind is finding it difficult to grapple with the decimating situation. Hitherto, the virus is taking a toll on human beings. International financial markets have crashed. Millions have lost their livelihood. The virus is also inflicting a mental toll on the people. However, Covid 19 is no novel thing for mankind. Earlier, millions succumbed to the Spanish Flu (1918) as well. It was controlled only when the vaccine was invented. Thanks to the scientific research and development! Now, again the whole world is looking up to it for survival. Thus, till a vaccine is invented, countries need to wait and follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) issued by World Health Organization.

The countries following the instructions of WHO have remained successful in flattening the curve. For instance, China has controlled the virus by implementing the SOPs. Vietnam, the neighbouring country of China has not reported a single death of Covid 19. Singapore and South Korea also fought vigorously against the pandemic and remained successful. New Zealand has also been successful in eliminating the virus and has recently uplifted the lockdown as well. Godspeed to these countries! Owing to their timely decisions and pragmatic actions they have achieved an herculean task.

Unfortunately, the situation in Pakistan is otherwise, and has been deteriorating with each passing day. Death rate is getting out of control. Pakistan has crossed the mark of 120,000 cases and approximately 3000 deaths have been reported. About 80% of the cases in Pakistan are locally transmitted, according to WHO. So, where Pakistan went wrong? Why it has so far failed to flatten the curve? Why Pakistanis have not taken the pandemic seriously? These questions have propped up into the minds of victims and the general public. Let’s try to find out where our leadership and we as a nation went wrong?

Maintain Social Distancing

First thing first: It has been observed that leadership has failed Pakistan in the fight against virus. Changing statements of PM regarding Covid 19 is a proof of it. First, he claimed that virus is a flu and can be overcome by taking anti-viral. Then he contended that virus is not destructive to Pakistanis and the threat of Covid 19 is exaggerated. After sometime, when death ratio spiked, he took a U-Turn and held on the view that only aged are vulnerable to virus. Moreover, his indecision related to lockdown was one of the immediate cause of the spread of pandemic in Pakistan. This shows that government is totally oblivious of the fact that pandemic may take a high toll on the people. This is the point where leadership went wrong as the message of PM had a trickle-down effect. Consequently, Imran Khan’s contradictory statements bewildered the people and now nation is facing the menace in terms of losing their loved ones.

Now, let’s discuss where we as a nation went wrong? It is a hard fact that nation has not taken this epidemic seriously. They still go around without wearing masks. Shops are not following SOPs. The hustle and bustle in the bazars highlights the non-serious attitude of people. Some have the belief that because of higher immunity level due to living in a more dangerous environment we are not as vulnerable to coronavirus as Europeans. People start to believe in virus only when any of their loved one becomes a victim of it.

Some ultra conservatives have the views that Israeli lobby is behind all this mess. Others thought government is locking down on the pretext of making dollars from the international financial organizations. This carelessness of people has led to the diffusion of virus and the state is equally responsible for it. Easing of lockdown in the peak season of virus leaves one bewildered and amazed. By this way anyone can gauge the seriousness of the government to fight against the virus. Recently, by taking one more U- Turn, Imran Khan has announced “it is up to the people to follow the SOPs and we are not going to lockdown the state as Pakistan cannot bear the financial burden of lockdown”. These are the aforementioned reasons due to which Pakistan has so far failed to flatten the curve.

In this horrible predicament the only option left for government is that it should align its policies in accordance with the SOPs of WHO. The state has the backing of the law. It has the mandate to look after the interest of every citizen. It has every right to create laws and SOPs that demand compliance and that can punish deviance. On the other hand, the people should also understand the gravity of the situation and do not go around unnecessarily without a mask. These are some precautionary measures which should be followed to tackle the menace of Covid 19. If these measures are not followed then there is a stark probability that the land of pure may lose the battle against the epidemic.   

Abul Ghaffar Butt
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4 thoughts on “COVID-19, State of Pakistan and Pakistanis

  1. Really a thought provoking and insightful article on the aggravated situation and the comparison of the countries fighting with Corona is also on the point.

  2. I think the smart lockdown was a good strategy, if the people followed. Its impossible to stop local transmission for a novel virus, and only countries free from it or minimally effected are the one with low population. China on the other hand is better equipped to deal with any such situation. Lastly, WHO’s SOPs came late, asall of this could have been avoided,if WHO reported the epidemic at the earliest, which was the organization duty, for which it was criricized by CDC which is a parent organization of disease control in world.

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